  • 期刊


The Sport Event Image and Participation Motivation of the Runners in Jiji Green Tunnel Marathon


目的:了解「2014 第二屆集集盃綠色隧道馬拉松」之參賽者其所知覺的賽會形象與參賽動機之關係,以提供主辦單位參考。方法:以參賽者為研究對象,採便利取樣方式於現場發放問卷,回收有效問卷529 份,回收率77%,在95%的信心水準下,抽樣誤差為±4.34%。問卷包含人口背景資料、賽會形象量表及參賽動機量表。本研究以描述性統計方法分析參賽者的人口變項、單因子變異數分析檢視量表得分情形、內容分析法及次數分配檢視賽會形象之開放式題項所得之資料、皮爾森積差相關探討變數間的關聯性,統計考驗水準訂為 α=.05。結果:參賽者知覺賽會形象的情感構面顯著地高於認知構面(4.13 vs. 3.61, p<.001);賽會形象各構面所占比例由高至低為:情緒(25.7%)、身體活動(23.1%)、自然環境(19.4%)、社交活動(8.5%)、組織(7.8%)、基礎設施/地區景點(7.8%)、歷史/政策性(7.7%);參賽動機各構面分數由高至低為社交聯誼(3.97)、社會支持(3.88)、自我展現(3.82)、賽會魅力(3.74);而賽會形象與參賽動機呈正相關(r=.586, p<.001)。結論:集集盃綠色隧道馬拉松之賽會形象以情緒、身體活動及自然環境構面為主;賽會形象會正向影響參賽動機,參賽動機亦會強化賽會形象,因此主辦單位應著重於塑造賽會形象,以增進路跑愛好者的參賽動機。


情感構面 認知構面


Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate the relationships between the perception of sport event image and participation motivation of the runners in 2014 Jiji Green Tunnel Marathon. Methods: The convenient sampling was adopted and 529 valid questionnaires (responding rate 77%) were collected. Demographic, Sport Event Image and Participation Motivation Scale were included in this study. Descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, content analysis and Pearson product-moment correlation were adopted to analyze the data. The statistics significance was set at α =. 05. Results: The main findings were: The affective component was significantly much influential than the cognitive component in the perception of sport event image. The descending rankings of participation sport event image according to scores were emotional (25.7%), physical activity (23.1%), nature (19.4%), social activity (8.5%), organizational (7.8%), infrastructure/destination sights (7.8%) and historical / political (7.7%). (4) The descending rankings of participation motivation according to scores were social network (3.97), social support (3.88), self-actualization (3.82) and event attraction (3.74). A significantly positive correlation between sport event image and participation motivation was found (r=.586, p<.001). Conclusions: The sport event image of 2014 Jiji Green Tunnel Marathon was mainly on emotional, physical activity and nature. The better sport event image perceived, the stronger participation motivation elicited in participants of this study, and vice versa.


2014 第二屆集集盃綠色隧道馬拉松賽,〈2014 第二屆。集集盃綠色隧道馬拉松賽活動簡章〉,http://www.ibodygo.com.tw/web/online_reg/detail.asp?n=54, 2014 年4 月30 日檢索。
李岳修、古志銘、林宏恩(2012)。2009 年高雄世界運動會之賽會形象、目的地形象與賽會忠誠度之研究。運動健康休閒學報。3,1-11。

