  • 期刊


A Self-Narrative of Chasing the Basketball Dream from Kinmen to Taiwan


本研究藉由敘說研究法,敘說一位來自離島金門的運動員。運動員也可以藉著說自己的運動經驗故事,讓經驗再次浮現。若干年前,即將國中畢業的我,由於對籃球運動的濃烈興趣和對球技提升充滿嚮往,於是獨自從金門飄洋過海到臺灣臺南縣的新榮高中,展開籃球運動追夢之旅程。本文共分為「為何敘說?」、「故事之前」、「起點」、「追夢歷程」以及「夢想之後」五個章節,作為本文的架構,呈現這段旅程中從HBL 高中籃球聯賽冠軍賽的疑惑、再到臺灣師範大學重新認識自己、職業籃球世界的現實跟考驗;深刻描寫烙印在個人身心上的喜、怒、哀、樂、悲、恐、懼等感受。而「夢想之後」章節中有感於自身的籃球運動之經驗對其他年輕人有些許正面的啟發,能為運動世界帶來一點點的回饋。作者將提供未來離島青年想投入競技運動的一點心理建設跟建議。以「夢想之後」為標題中心,反思身為運動員真正的意義,同時激勵更多領域奮鬥的人士,鼓勵人奔向陽光,走出低潮,築夢踏實。


The study tells a story, with narrative inquiry, of an athlete from Kinmen. Athletes can reveal memories by telling their self-sport experience. Many years ago when Jung-Hsuan Chang was about to graduate from junior high school, his trip of pursuing basketball dream unfolds. He left his hometown, Kinman, on his own, for Tainan in Shing Rong Senior High School due to his strong interests in basketball and desire to improve skills. The study is divided into five chapters as the structure, includes "why use narrative?", "before the dream", "starting point", "dream pursuing course", and "after the dream". From the doubt of High School Basketball League (HBL) in the trip to knowing himself again in National Taiwan Normal University and the reality test in professional basketball world, it depicts delightful, anger, sorrow, happiness, scare and fear in every one of us. In ''after the dream'', in the light of inculcating in the young as a feedback to the sport world through self-experience, the author provides the young from the offshore island mental preparation and suggestions of joining competitive sport. Centered ''after the dream'' on the title, he reflects the true meaning of being an athlete, inspires more fighters from the other fields, and encourages people to divorce from a slump to dreams fulfilled.


林林,〈金獎雜技演員演出骨折遭中國雜技團解聘〉,http://ent.people.com.cn/GB/4509662.html, 2006 年6 月20 日檢索。
