  • 期刊


The Effect of Media Entertainment and Product Placement of Tobacco and Alcohol: The Case of TV Series "Madmen"




酒品 產品置入 菸品 媒體娛樂 電視影集


In the 21st(superscript s)century, storytelling is still the main course of media entertainment, most1y as fictional narrative but also in nonfictional formats. On the other hand, product placement is essentially the sponsored or paid exposure of products within visual and auditory media. In 1896, a bottle of beer without brand label was placed in one of the early Lumiere brothers' films. One of the most criticized product placement was the alliance between tobacco manufacturers and entertainment industry. The product placement is perceived as an overt attempt to introduce cigarettes to children.This study attempts to analyze the related literature from the perspectives of media entertainment and product placement in order to do an objective and empirical study. The purpose of the present study is to investigate how ways of product placement of tobacco and alcohol in American TV series, audiences' levels of media entertainment, and emotional responses affect their tobacco and alcohol related attitudes. Research findings are in accord with previous studies: Longer time product placement of alcohol and tobacco will elicit audiences' negative responses. Product placement elicited negative emotions will affect negative attitudes toward alcohol and tobacco. In practice, this study finds limited, even negative persuasion effect of product placement marketing for tobacco and alcohol. Moreover, the present study dose not support the hypothesis of media entertainment effects on product placement of tobacco and alcohol.


