  • 期刊


A Study on Current Situation and Difficulties In the School Counseling and Guidance for LGBT Students




學校輔導 青少年 多元性別 同志


Due to the difficulties yielded in the counseling practice, the research aimed to offer assistance to facilitate the counseling process for gay and lesbian students. Content analysis and semi-structured interviews were adopted in the study. The 40 participants in the study were categorized into three different roles, including 20 students, 10 counselors and 10 supervisors. The participants co-constructed counseling difficulties and dissected contributing factors behind them from different perspectives. The findings consisted of two aspects: Firstly, the difficulties at three levels from students and counselors at school: (A) The development of friendly attitude toward LGBT is limited in the heterosexual mainstream. Thus, the students feel angry and unfair whereas counselors professional, anxious and fearful. (B) The knowledge of gender diversity is absent in professional training. As a result, students feel suspicious and doubtful, whereas counselors, embarrassed and bewildered. (C) Only one-on-one counseling service model is provided. Hence, students feel helpless and shout without the system assistance whereas counselors, frustrated and weak. Secondly, the suggestions from the supervisors for the difficulties at three levels: (A) To develop the critical point of view to challenge heterosexual hegemony. (B) To improve organizational structure of professional training (C) To have one-on-one counseling service model unrestricted. Based on the findings, three recommendations proposed in the study areas follows: (A) The development of friendly attitude toward LGBT in the process of nurturing must be established in order to break the framework of heterosexual hegemony (B) The knowledge of gender diversity should be placed in counseling professional training courses. The one-on-one consultative service should be unrestricted and moreover external resources are suggested to be included.


