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The Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on the Triathlon Performance of Male Athletes


運動員可以藉由骨骼肌的訓練,提升運動表現。近年來,有研究指出,呼吸肌亦可經由訓練,增進運動員在有氧耐力上的表現。目的:本研究旨在探討經由四週的呼吸肌訓練介入後,對男性鐵人三項運動員之影響。方法:本研究以12位男性鐵人三項選手為受試者(平均年齡29.8±4.13歲,身高173.9±3.34公分、體重67.0±5.74公斤),以隨機方式分配為控制組與實驗組。控制組進行四週,每週3天,每次30分鐘正常自行車訓練台練習(76-90%FTP,迴轉數90-100 rpm),實驗組除了進行正常自行車訓練台練習之外,額外利用呼吸肌訓練器,進行每週5天,每天2次,每次30下之呼吸肌訓練。全體受試者於訓練前後均接受自行車功能閾值功值(function threshold power, FTP)、呼吸肌之阻抗、肌力、肺容積、安靜時心跳率及運動後血乳酸濃度之測試。統計方法以相依樣本t考驗檢定實驗組及控制組前後測差異,再以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行檢定,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:在呼吸肌阻抗、肌力、血乳酸濃度、安靜時心跳率及自行車功能閾值功值上,兩組均未達顯著差異。結論:四週的呼吸肌訓練無法有效提升選手之訓練效果。


Athletes can improve their performance by training skeletal muscle. For the past few years, we can find some researches got the same result: Athletes can improve their aerobic endurance performance by training their inspiratory muscle. Purpose: This research was to investigate the effects of 4 weeks inspiratory muscle training on the function threshold power (FTP) performance of male triathlon athletes. Method: 12 male triathlon athletes were recruited as the subjects. They were randomly assigned to experiment group and control group. The control group athletes did cycling training (76%-90% FTP, 90-100 rpm) for 4 weeks, 3 days per week, 30 minute per time. The experiment group athletes did not only cycling training but also inspiratory muscle training (5 days per week, 2 times per day, 30 breaths per time) for 4 weeks. All subjects received FTP, inspiratory impedance, inspiratory muscle strength, lung volume, heart rate and lactate acid tests respectively before and after the training period. The data was analyzed using independent t-test to examine any changes after training. The statistical significant level is determined at α= .05. Result: There were no significant differences on FTP, inspiratory impedance, inspiratory muscle strength, lung volume, hart rate and lactate acid between the experiment and control group. Conclusion: After 4 weeks inspiratory muscle training, athletes can't increase FTP, inspiratory impedance, inspiratory muscle strength, lung volume, heart rate and lactate acid effectively.


FTP heart rate lactate acid


林正常譯、Powers, S. K.、Howley, E. T.(2002)。運動生理學。台北:藝軒。
