  • 期刊


Research in the Performance Ability of Long Fist Martial Arts among Various Levels of Development


目的:探討不同年齡層長拳套路選手各項運動能力之差異,同時探討各項運動能力與長拳套路比賽成績的相關性。方法:37位男子長拳套路選手(國小9位、國中8位、高中10位、大專10位)分別接受身體控制能力測驗、單腳站立平衡測驗、下肢蹲跳爆發力測驗、伊利諾敏捷性測驗、直線衝刺30公尺測驗,以了解每位受試者的運動能力,並以101年全國春季國武術聯賽的比賽成績作為每位選手運動表現的分數,所有測驗皆於該項比賽前三週內施測完畢。統計分析採用單因子變異數分析來探討各年齡層選手各項運動能力之差異,再以Scheffé法進行事後比較,並用皮爾森相關係數來探討各項運動能力與專項運動表現的相關性。結果:國中、高中、大專長拳套路選手之身體控制能力、下肢蹲跳爆發力、敏捷性及衝刺速度顯著比國小選手好。國小、國中在各項測驗參數與競賽成績之間無顯著相關。高中僅有伊利諾敏捷性測驗與競賽成績有中度負相關(r=-.655, p=.040)。大專僅有直線衝刺30公尺測驗與競賽成績有高度負相關(r=-.793, p=.006)。結論:長拳套路選手之運動能力在國小到國中階段的進步最為明顯。國小、國中階段宜保持多方面的訓練。高中選手敏捷性越好,專項運動表現越好。大專選手則是衝刺速度越快,專項運動表現越好。


Purpose: This study was to compare the differences among 4 age levels of Long Fist Wushu players in physical abilities. The relationships between physical abilities and the performance of Long Fist contest were also explored for each age group. Methods: 37 male Long Fist players (9 elementary school, 8 junior high school, 10 senior high school, and 10 college students) participated in this study. All participants underwent 5 physical ability tests, including trunk control ability test, one-leg standing balance test, counter movement jump test, Illinois agility test, and 30m straight-line sprint test. These tests were conducted within three weeks prior to a National Long Fist contest. The contest scores were recorded for data analysis. One-way ANOVA followed by Scheffé's post hoc tests were used to compare the differences of physical abilities among the 4 groups of Long Fist players. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to investigate the relationships between physical abilities and contest scores for each group. Results: Significant differences in trunk control ability, power of counter movement jump, agility, and dash speed were observed between the elementary group and the other 3 groups. There were no significant relationships between physical abilities and the contest scores in the elementary and junior high school groups. There was a moderate negative relationship (r=-.655, p=.040) between Illinois agility test and the contest scores in the senior high school group. There was a strong negative relationship (r=-.793, p=.006) between 30m straight-line sprint test and the contest scores in the college group. Conclusion: Physical abilities seem to improve significantly from elementary school to junior high school level. Elementary and junior high school levels of Long Fist players should be equally trained with all kinds of physical abilities. Senior high school players may pay more attention on agility training and college players may enhance dash speed to improve their performance.




