  • 期刊


Explore the Mechanism of Winning the Overall Championship in National Intercollegiate Athletic Game




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National Intercollegiate Athletic Game is one of the most important comprehensive sports game. Which university gets the overall championship can be regarded as the best. Therefore, all universities make every effort to achieve excellent performance in the National Intercollegiate Athletic Game. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the situation that the school won the gold medal in each event from 2014 to 2018, and to analyze whether it has the same pattern in winning the overall championship. Methods: Through the official website of the National Intercollegiate Athletic Game, the number of medals from 2014 to 2018 was counted. The author using the descriptive statistical method to analyze and compares the number of gold medals and the percentage of gold medals. Results: (1) From 2014 to 2018, the universities must win more than 12.00% gold medals in the National Intercollegiate Athletic Game to reach the overall championship. (2) The way that NTNU and NTUS won the overall championship is similar, both of them have their strong events, and they win gold medals are concentrated in their events. When NTSU won the overall championship, the events that won the gold medal were relatively scattered, which was different from NTNU and NTUS. Conclusion: From 2014 to 2018, every University won the overall championship in a different way, but each school based on the best competitive ability, through the formulation of correct competition strategy to obtain the best performance of the Universiade general championship.


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