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Reliability and Validity of the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for the Community-dwelling Patients with Schizophrenia in Taiwan


本文目的為驗證廣泛被引用之中文版Camberwell需求評估工具在臺灣社區思覺失調症病患之信效度。採橫斷式研究設計,以方便取樣選取北臺灣某精神專科醫院收案服務之社區思覺失調症病患為研究對象,共220名完成結構式問卷。以探索性因素分析進行建構效度,再以Cronbach’sα檢驗信度。由於題項-照顧子女之最大負荷量小於0.4,刪除該題後以21題進行因素分析,獲得「功能需求」、「健康需求」、「社會需求」、「服務需求」四個因素,總解釋變異量為42%。總量表Cronbach’s α為0.76(95% CI0.70~0.81),各分量表之Cronbach’s α介於0.20~0.72之間。相較於原量表及其他國家對本量表的信效度研究,本工具在臺灣社區思覺失調思覺失調症病患所得信效度並不盡理想。建議運用國外翻譯需求評估工具時,需考量文化差異,考量加入系統文獻回顧之需求或專家意見增修原量表後再驗證,才能發展測量臺灣社區思覺失調思覺失調症病患需求具信效度之評估工具。


The Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) instrument has been widely used. The aim of this study was to explore its reliability and validity for schizophrenia patients in the community of Taiwan. The CAN, whose measuring needs by 22 items was verified in a cross-sectional sample of community-dwelling patients with schizophrenia. Data was collected by patients self-administered. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha was applied to examine the validity and reliability of the instrument. The results of this study showed that the majority of population are unmarried men; whose education level fell into the phase of senior high school, at the average age of 40.6. Besides, the CAN in Chinese version accounted for 42% of possible variation, which consisted of four components: “function needs”, “health needs”, “social needs”, and “service needs” where the Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.76 (95% CI 0.70~0.81), subscales from 0.20 to 0.72, in comparison with other literatures, the CAN seems not to be an ideal instrument either for reliability or validity in this study. Suggesting that having a high degree of feasibility with regard to different types of patients and settings, we should take the factor of culture differences into consideration in need of assessment instrument. Nevertheless, we believe that with systematic literature review and expert supplementary opinions, the modified Chinese version of CAN may be developed as a reliable, valid, and sensitive measure for use in community-dwelling patients with schizophrenia.


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