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A Nursing Experience of a Stroke Patient with Dysphagia




腦中風 中風 復健治療 吞嚥困難


Purpose: There is about 55% chances of swallowing difficulty would be found on the patient who had stroke. The purpose of this study is to describe a nursing experience of taking care of a patient who had the symptoms of dizziness, chest tightness, wry lips, unable to get off from the bed, and finally was diagnosed with right middle cerebral artery territories infarction with swallowing difficulty. Methods: From August 6th to September 9th in 2013, I found that the patient have problems of dysphagia, body moving dysfunction, communicatiion dysfunction and adjustment disorder, after observation, estimations with Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns, and interview with this patient. Results: I participated entirely into the whole treatment course. The rehabilitaion plan was set by discussing with the patient and her family members, considering the actually requirement. Besides, physical therapist and language therapist were also involved in the treatment plan. The avtivity of affected side and swalloing ability improved much after physical and occupational therapy were applied. The patient's NG tube was finally removed, and the patient could have food orally and smoothly. Also, she participated the rehabilitation treatment much aggressively due to rebuilt self-confidence and the regained ability of self-care. Conclusion: Hoping that we could enhance the quality of care on CVA patient with swalling difficulty.


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