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The Experience of Nursing Care for a Patient with Mailgnant Rectal Tumor after Lower Anterior Resection Surgery




This article describes the nursing experience of caring for a patient with malignant rectal tumor who received lower anterior resection surgery. The period of care was from December 18 to December 28 in 2020. Data were collected through medical record review, observation and interviews and Gordon's 11 functional health patterns were applied for assessment. The health problems identified were acute pain, high-risk infection, change in nutritional status and anxiety. During the nursing period, pain assessment scale was used for the assessment of postoperative pain, and pain control and relaxation techniques were provided; the wound healing condition was evaluated every day after the surgery, and dressing was performed in accordance with standard aseptic technique strictly to avoid infection so as to enable tube removal as soon as possible. To improve the nutritional status, appropriate dietary guidance was given to the patient. Psychologically, the patient faced negative psychological impacts caused by surgery, and to alleviate the patient's anxiety, preoperative explanation was given, and empathy was expressed to establish a good nurse-patient relationship. The family members were also encouraged to accompany the patient to overcome the impact of the surgery so that the patient could return to the normal life as soon as possible. It is hoped that through this care experience, the academic knowledge can be combined with clinical practice to improve self-care ability and confidence, and that the experience can serve as a reference for clinical nursing staff.


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