  • 期刊


The study on Philosophy of Change through Historical Events by Scholars in the Sung Dynasty-An Inquiry Based on the Work of Lee, Guang and Yang, Wan Li


易學研究,源遠流長,時至宋代,援引史事以參證易理之詮釋方式,不但在當時獨樹一格,此後更成為歷代易學家註釋《易經》經常使用之方式,因此,對於後世實有廣泛且深刻的影響。而《四庫全書》在綜論歷代易學發展,提出了所謂「兩派六宗」的說法,特將史事易標為一宗,亦足見其重要性。然而,對於史事易的研究,實無法與其易學成就及影響相符。基於此一學派在易學發展史上的重要地位,吾人實有進一步探究的必要。 首先,就既有的研究基礎上,對於相關研究予以分析。其次,則自歷史與易學的兩者之間的關係,予以探討說明。最後則分別自史學與易學哲學的角度,對史事易哲學進行反思。希望經由筆者的探究,能夠使吾人深入瞭解史事易詮釋經卦之方法與特色,進而適切而公允的評析此一易學流派之價值。


史事易 李光 楊萬里 以史證經


The study of the Book of Change has ancient origin and long development. When it came to the Sung Dynasty, the way of interpretation by using historical events to give evidence to its philosophies not only created a distinct school at that time but has become an approach to annotate the Book of Change commonly used by scholars of dynasties that followed. Its impact is therefore extensive and profound. In the Ching Dynasty, the brief summary of the imperial library of Chienlung named after the ”four vaults” of classics, history, philosophy and collected works of literature, explored the development of the study of the Book of Change and brought up the argument of ”Two Schools and Six Clans,” and ”the study on Philosophy of Change through historical events” was classified as one of the Clans, which revealed its significance. However, the amount of research on this clan does not correspond to its achievements and impact on the study of the Book of Change. In view of its importance to the development of the study of the Book of Change, ”the study on Philosophy of Change through historical events” is worth further studying. Based on existing foundations, this thesis first analyzes relevant research, and then explores and discusses the relationships between historical events and the Philosophy of Change. Finally, the thesis examines ”the study on Philosophy of Change through historical events” from viewpoints of history and Philosophy of Change respectively. An in-depth understanding of the approach and characteristics of ”the study on Philosophy of Change through historical events” is anticipated through my study and an appropriate and equitable judgement to its value can be determined.
