  • 期刊


The Resistance Against Chinese Resistance Literature - "Modern Chinese Literature" in Taiwan (1978-1992)




The Hong Kong publisher Joint Publishing published the book "Duanmu Hongliang" in 1988. The edition found today in National Taiwan University's library still carries stickers reading "special materials/restricted reading," showing that the prohibition on "modern Chinese literature" had not been lifted following the lifting of martial law. However, in the early 1980s, writers from northeast China such as Duanmu Hongliang appeared one after another in Taiwan's two major newspapers and in a special edition of Modern Literature on "Chinese resistance literature." This article points out that Taiwan's discussion of writers from northeast China during the period of martial law was a resistance against research on "Chinese resistance literature." Research on resistance literature in the People's Republic of China experienced a transition since the country's reform and opening up. Despite going from "liberated areas" to "occupied areas," literature from "KMT-dominated areas" also appeared. As a result, following "art and literature from the 1930s," "literature from the war of resistance" once again became a topic where the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Nationalist Party vied over the right to interpret it. "Modern Chinese literature" came to be selectively accepted into Taiwan and, through "the experience of the war of resistance against Japan," the attempt was made to incorporate "pre-retrocession Taiwan literature" into it. Through this, this article points out that within the field of Taiwan literature in the 1980s there existed a resistance against the research on Chinese resistance literature in the People's Republic of China that at the same time was also a resistance against the research on Chinese resistance literature of the Republic of China.


王集叢:《戰鬥文藝論》(臺北:文壇社出版,1955 年)。
王丹:《中華人民共和國史十五講》(臺北:聯經出版公司,2012 年)。
王智明、林麗雲、徐秀慧、任佑卿編:《回望現實.凝視人間—鄉土文學論戰四十年選集》(臺北:聯合文學,2018 年)。
王惠珍:《譯者再現:台灣作家在東亞跨語越境的翻譯實踐》(新北:聯經出版公司,2020 年)。
尹雪曼:《五四時代的小說作家和作品》(臺北:成文出版社,1980 年)。
