  • 期刊


A study on Engineering Procurement Performance Disputes of New Arbitration Mechanism




To avoid the compliance dispute cases of engineering procurement, due to lengthy court proceedings, induced public budget to economic activity, Public Construction Commission has promoted new arbitration mechanism since 2012. This paper will introduce the new arbitration mechanism, including arbitrator election, chief arbitrator jointly recommend, equity arbitration, open arbitration proceedings and awards, arbitration awards should contain facts and reasons, arbitration court can’t apply equity arbitration. Besides, it will explore the legal sources, US and Japan construction arbitration legislation. This paper will recommend some proper arbitration mechanism to accelerate the solution of compliance dispute and meet the international requirements. I would emphasis that the arbitration mechanism only maintain its impartiality, then it can be truly trusted and used. Carefully choosing the arbitrator is the key to success for arbitration. In addition to the arbitrator should have the professional capacity of legal qualifications, we can review the arbitrator’s impartiality by the case of arbitration proceeding and judgement as a reference to remove or keep in the list of Arbitrator Library. I still emphasis arbitration should maintain the characteristics of privacy, but it can reference the legislation of engineering arbitration of US. Any direct interests in the arbitration shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings or learn from Japan's Construction Industry Act, the arbitral tribunal may allow observers if fit. Arbitration judgement shall state the reasons to be subject to public comment. Facing the complex engineering dispute, without being subject to equity arbitration, stress arbitration by law to be predictable, then it can obtain the parties' convincing and trust. Finally,with slight amendment, I still emphasis the new Arbitration Mechanism in Taiwan shall have some effect to accelerate the solution of engineering procurement compliance dispute.


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劉佐國(2005)。〈如何加強政府機關工程採購契約發生爭議以仲裁方式解決研析報告〉,《仲裁》,第76 期,頁69-74
