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An Investigation of the Relationships among Senior High School EFL Students' Perceptual Style Preferences, Language Learning Strategies, and Personality


本研究目的在於探討高中學生知覺風格偏好、人格特質、英語學習策略的關係,並比較高中生在運用英語學習策略上,是否因知覺風格偏好、人格特質,而有所不同。本研究對象為南部某高中二年級的364位學生,其中男生157位,女生207位。本研究所採用的測量工具包含麥布二氏行為類型量表(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI)、知覺風格偏好量表(Perceptual Learning Preferences Survey, PLPS),和語言學習策略問卷(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, SILL)研究結果發現:(一)大部分的研究對象(193位)在英語學習中較偏向於視覺偏好(Visual Preference)。(二)女學生在使用英語學習策略之頻率高過於男學生(女生M=2.6638,男生M=2.5719)。女學生在使用認知學習策略(女生M=2.625,男生=M2.496) ,補償策略(女生M=3.318,男生M=3.051),後設認知策略(女生M=2.605,男生M=2.473) ,情感策略(女生M=2.539,男生M=2.429)和社交策略之頻率高過於男學生(女生M=2.587,男生M=2.546)。


The purpose of the study was to investigate perceptual style preferences, personality types, and gender differences in the use of language learning strategies and the relationships between perceptual style preferences, learning strategies and personality types among Taiwan senior high school EFL students. 364 students (l57males and 207 females) in their second year enrolled at a small rural southern Taiwan senior high school participated in this study. Three self-reported questionnaires were administered, including Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Perceptual Learning Preferences Survey (PLPS), and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). The results of this study showed that (1) the majority of participants (193) had a visual style preference; (2) females had higher preferences than males in five categories out of six: cognitive (Female, M=2.650; Male, M=2.496); compensation (Female, M=3.138; Male, M=3.051); metacognitive (Female, M=2.605; Male, M=2.473); affective (Female, M=2.539; Male, M=2.429); and social (Female, M=2.587; Male, M=2.546).


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