  • 期刊


Caring for a Patient with Recurrent Stroke




腦中風 復健 老年人


Cerebral vascular disease is one of the commonest illnesses seen in the elderly and is one of the main causes of physical handicap in this age group. A patient had three strokes causing left-sided weakness within one year. The author collected information and assessed the problems through observation, interviewing, and use of Gordon's functional health assessment. The major nursing problems confronting this patient were the physical disabilities, an inability to perform self care, lack of knowledge about the condition, and anxiety. The goals of individualization and integrity were addressed through active caring; listening to the patient's needs; designing the rehabilitation program in discussion with the patient and family, as well as accompanying the patient to therapy; assisting the patient with emotional distraction; and helping family members carry on with the rehabilitation program. If nurses understand patients' conditions, needs, and attitudes by going through the first steps of rehabilitation with them, they are better able to provide appropriate practical help, ultimately increasing patients' ability to care for themselves.


stroke rehabilitation elderly
