  • 期刊


Nursing Care for a Patient with Actinobacillus Infective Endocarditis




蛀牙 放線桿菌屬 護理經驗


Bacterial endocarditis not only causes acute systemic symptoms that may be immediately life-threatening, but it may also may lead to damage resulting in chronic disability. It is therefore not surprising that this condition engenders anxiety. After undergoing dental treatment for caries, a 30-year-old man developed endocarditis caused by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, an organism in the HACEK group of pathogens. The patient, who had never been hospitalized before, was extremely anxious. The author used Gordon's 11-item functional assessment and found the client's problems to include fever, poor nutrition, fear, and an inability to cope with the stress of his illness. The nursing addressed these issues and the patient was able to relax and cooperate with his medical care, leading to eventual recovery. Although infective endocarditis caused by of the HACEK organisms is rarely encountered in clinical nursing, this case illustrates that principles of good nursing care are applicable regardless of the etiology of the disease.


caries HACEK group caring experience
