  • 期刊


Decreasing Failed Appointment Rates at a Medical Center




掛號 預約 失約


The purpose of this project was to investigate the reasons for and to improve the no-show rate for appointments at a medical center. A questionnaire was used to explore the reasons for failure to keep appointments. The major reasons (in order of frequency) were: forgetting or remembering incorrectly the date of the appointment, too busy or having time conflicts with urgent business, lack of awareness that an appointment had been made, the medical condition improved, coming in earlier or postponing the appointment, or changing to another doctor without canceling the previous appointment. Based on these results, several proposals were implemented to decrease the failure rate. Those with a record of no-shows were no longer allowed to make an appointment; this penalty was publicized in the clinic to deter failure; and a reminder system for appointments was established. After implementing these procedures, the no-show rate dropped from 15.92% to 12.87%, meeting the goal we had set of 13%. This project effectively lowered the rate of failure to keep appointments.


registration appointment failed appointments
