  • 期刊


A Comparison of Care Models for the Elderly in Taipei and Nanjing


人口老化、社會結構的變遷和家庭功能的式微,老人照顧問題已浮上檯面,尤其現代社會居住型態的改變,使得獨居老人愈來愈多,如何才能讓獨居老人能留在熟悉的環境中獲得照顧,達到「在地養老」(aging in place)之目標,已不僅是家庭和個人的問題,更是社會、國家必須共同面對的課題。近年來,兩岸之互動交流發展頻繁,兩岸同樣面臨人口老化和照顧的壓力,因此本研究為探討兩岸城市獨居老人的照顧發展模式,並選擇以臺北市和南京市兩地進行初探。本研究方法採取質性研究的深入訪談,兩地各訪談12位獨居老人,共計24人,探討分析兩岸城市獨居老人照顧模式之異同。研究結果發現,兩岸獨居老人照顧模式共同點為,臺北市和南京市至今仍保持傳統照顧觀念和家庭功能維持,並以提供家庭照顧為主,社區照顧為輔的模式,尤其當獨居老人失能時,均採取僱用專人到家照顧的方式,如臺北市申請「外籍看護工」到家照顧;南京市則僱用「保姆到家」照顧模式。兩岸最大的相異點方面為,臺北市的獨居老人照顧模式是依專業社會工作進行老人個案管理,以多元性資源整合方案進行福利服務的輸送;至於南京市的獨居老人照顧,政府照顧相當有限,且福利服務資訊不暢通,不過,其民間市場已出現老人照顧鐘點工和保姆服務人力公司,且推出一次性購足的「複合式套餐」照顧模式,因其照顧人工便宜,廣受一般家庭使用。最後,本研究亦針對政府和產業界如何提升獨居老人照顧品質提出建議。


Due to an aging population, social change, and the weakening of family functions, a number of problems have arisen in many Asian societies concerning the care of the elderly. In particular, the transformation of modern living arrangements has led to more elderly people living alone. Helping elderly people who live by themselves get proper care in their familiar surroundings and reaching the goal of ”aging in place” are no longer merely problems for families and individuals to solve; instead, they have become issues that nations and societies must deal with together. In recent years, both Taiwan and China have started to confront the same pressures of having to care for an aging population. This study aims to discuss the development of Cross-Strait care models for elderly people who live alone by taking two cities-Taipei and Nanjing-as examples. The study adopts in-depth interview methods for a total of 24 elderly people, half from Taipei and another half from Nanjing, to analyze the similarities and differences of the elderly care models in these two cities. One key similarity is that the two cities maintain the traditional concept of caring and family functions. Family caregivers remain the ideal model, while community care is supplementary; when elderly people become disabled, families hire caretakers to provide services for them. For example, in Taipei people apply for permission to hire foreign caretakers to look after the elderly at home, while in Nanjing it is common to hire local caregivers to give care at home. The main difference is that in Taipei professional case management is set up and services are delivered through multiple resources. In contrast, Nanjing's limited community care services and inaccessible information make government services insufficient, but the private sector provides hourly caretakers and manpower companies as a set of care models which Nanjing residents can purchase at one time due to cheaper prices, which makes these services popular. Finally, this study gives several suggestions to public and private sectors on how to enhance the quality of care for the elderly people.


