  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying Swanson Caring Theory to a Patient with Breast Cancer Recurrence, Multiple Metastases and Pleural Effusion




This article explored the nursing experience of a 44-year-old patient with breast cancer recurrence, lung, liver and bone metastases, and pleural effusion between July 24 and August 6, 2019. The comprehensive assessment included physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions through observation, interviews, physical exam and medical record review. The patient's nursing problems were ineffective breathing pattern, pain, and grief. The authors provided individualized direct care for the patient. Physical care included helping the patient to have sufficient gas exchange during pleural drainage procedure. Taught the patient to take a sitting position and practice pursed-lip breathing during dyspnea and coughing episodes. The nurses conducted regular pain assessment, provided analgesia based on pain severity, and encouraged the patient to use distraction such as music or chat with family members. The patient cried often from her physical discomfort and sadness. Family members were also under stress over different caring issues. The care team incorporated a psychologist and a hospice-shared-care nurse to address patient and her family members' needs, and encouraged the patient make plans for the future. We learned that the clinical nurses need to not only relieve the patient's physical discomfort, but also care for her psychological and spiritual pain.


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