

靈芝在東亞是傳統的藥用真菌,擁有悠久的應用歷史。根據現代研究發現靈芝主要成分為靈芝多醣(Ganoderma polysaccharides)與靈芝三萜(Ganoderma triterpenes)。靈芝三萜對於人的身體具有抗腫瘤、保肝、抗高血壓、降膽固醇、抗HIV 與抗組織胺等多重作用。雖然靈芝的研究非常多,但多數研究都是靈芝對其他種疾病的治療功效或者靈芝多醣的提取與功效。對於靈芝三萜合成基因的研究卻十分稀少。在2012 年中國大陸北京和湖南的兩間大學分別對兩個品種的靈芝基因體完成定序,使我們可透過比較基因體的方式來對靈芝三萜的合成路徑與合成基因進行研究。為了解靈芝三萜的合成路徑,我們透過分析靈芝細胞色素P450 功能的相關文獻、比對KEGG 反應路徑資料庫、靈芝基因體、GenBank 基因與蛋白質資料庫等幾種靈芝三萜合成基因資料來源,建構出靈芝三萜之可能合成路徑,再透過這些細胞色素P450 基因在菌絲體與子實體的表現量差異,選出可能合成靈芝三萜的六個細胞色素P450 基因。最後我們設計引子利用聚合酶連鎖反應進行實際基因存在性驗證,並與NCBI GenBank 核酸資料庫進行比對分析確認其身份。


The basidiomycete white rot fungus Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss ex fr) Karst (Lingzhi; Reishi) has been used for long time in East Asia. Modern research suggests that the main harmacological components are Ganoderma polysaccharides and Ganoderma triterpenoids. Ganoderma triterpenoids possessed many biomedical effects such as anti-tumor, liver, antihypertensive, cholesterol-lowering, anti-HIV and anti-histamine. Although a lot of studies were done about Ganoderma, the focus is on the biomedical activities of their extracts. However, few studies were done on the synthesizing mechanism and biological pathways of Ganoderma triterpenoids. In 2012, two genomes of G. lucidum were sequenced by two research groups in China, which enable us to study the synthesizing mechanism of Ganoderma triterpenoids using comparative genomics. In this paper, possible genes involved in the synthesizing of Ganoderma triterpenoids were discovered using the KEGG, UniProt, and GenBank databases, and two G. lucidum genomes. Six P450 genes which may involve in the synthesizing of Ganoderma triterpenoids were also derived by comparing the expression profiles of the aerial mycelia of dikaryons and fruiting bodies. Polymerase chain reaction experiments were performed to verify the existence of these genes. Based on the experiment results, a putative pathway model for the synthesizing of Ganoderma triterpenoids is constructed.
