  • 期刊


A study of the effects between different strategies of cooperative learning on elementary school students' peer interaction and motor skills




Purpose: Understanding the effects between different teaching strategies of cooperative learning on elementary school students' peer interaction and motor skills. Method: this study conducted quasi experimental pretest-posttest control group design; 44 students attended the experiment in total and divided into two groups with 22 students respectively. Group one implemented student's teams achievement divisions (STAD) and group two implemented team-games-tournament (TGT). After the experimentation process, a teacher prepared posttest was then administered to both the groups. Data were analyzed by paired-sample t-test and analysis of one-way covariance. Result: STAD and TGT both can enhance students' motor skills. Among them, TGT also can effectively improve student's peer interaction. When compared the different effect between the two cooperative learning strategies, this study found that TGT were better than STAD on peer interaction scale's "positive relation", which include cooperation/pro-social behavior, game/joint activities, trust/respect, intimate/dependence, and conflict/attack of "negative relation". Besides, TGT was also better than STAD on motor skills scores. Conclusion: From the results of this study, TGT were more effectively on peer interaction and motor skills than STAD. It can be a teaching strategy for teachers to be used in physical education class.


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