  • 期刊


The Influence of Store Environment on Consumer's Emotion and Shopping Value




As the advent of the age of ”Economic Experience,” retailers must understand that the important things are not the products, but is the pleasant atmosphere that consumers feel when they buy things. In other words, consumers can not only get functional value from consuming products, but also get enjoyable value from shopping. Based on a literature review, this study investigates how the consumers experience the shopping value under the stimuli of the store environments. In recent years, because of the fantastic design and atmosphere of shopping spaces, consumers can immerse themselves in shopping environments and enjoy the happiness of shopping. Retailers that emphasize the store environment atmosphere appear. Specifically, the ”life department store” both has utilitarian and hedonic characteristics. This study regards IKEA as a different department store in its store design, because IKEA provides ”show room” in addition to its store atmosphere. As its consumers can enjoy homely pleasure during shopping, IKEA is a good example of the life department stores in Taiwan. This study also deeply investigates the store environment characteristics of IKEA. The conclusions drawn from real diagnoses are below. First, functional design, aesthetic design and variety have a positive influence on pleasure emotion; ambient factor also have a positive influence on arousal emotion. Second, both pleasure and arousal emotion have a positive influence on hedonic shopping value. Third, ambient factor, aesthetic design, functional design and variety have a positive influence on hedonic shopping value. Finally, pleasure emotion is a mediate variable among aesthetic design, functional design, variety and hedonic shopping value; arousal emotion is a mediate variable between ambient factor and hedonic shopping value.


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