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Innovative Design of Infant Oxygen Hoods: Interdisciplinary Design




The interdisciplinary team not only can integrate the variety of skills, knowledge, and experiences but also can be the key element of innovation. In the nursing innovation capstone courses, nursing students team up with design students of nearby schools as the interdisciplinary teams. A suitable oxygen hood was innovated for infants through the four steps: confirming problems, solving problems, product prototype, and prototype testing. In the confirming problems stage, the interdisciplinary team used the AEIOU tool to deconstruct observed phenomena with empathy maps to conduct analyses of pain points and expectations. Finally, a questionnaire survey was used to confirm the problems. In the problem-solving stage, the POEMS was used as a guiding tool for brainstorming with the experts' consultation to finish the preliminary product design. The focus of the hands-on production stage was to make simple and rapid prototypes by visualizing, making sketch models in the internship factory of the design department, and modifying them after obtaining specific suggestions from experts. Finally, five stakeholders were invited to evaluate the applicability of innovative products and used them as references for the revisions of innovative products. The innovation is realized from the nursing students providing their nursing experience and knowledge, as well as design student offering their electronic technologies and the product shape during the course. The students achieve the goal of creating an innovative product after the interdisciplinary learning process.


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