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Using Several Ideas of Problem-based Learning in Library Instruction


大學通識教育的目的不僅在於傳授知識,更重要的是培養學生自主求知的習慣以及終身學習的態度,許多大學常因經費的排擠,通識教育中心能從校方取得的支持是相當有限的,因此圖書館常常被視為支援通識教學與研究的重要資源。圖書資訊利用為目前國內各大學通識學群廣泛開設的課程之一,該課程特別著重教導學生運用圖書館所提供的各項服務、設備和館藏,進而使其懂得「學習如何學習」,養成終身學習的態度。問題導向學習(Problem-based Learning, PBL)被視為是一種能促使學生運用自己的判斷力、創造力、批判思考能力以及整合資訊能力的新興教學方式。它不僅考驗各個學生對於問題的認知和推理能力,也促使學生提出相關資訊統整和批判創造性思辯的結果。本文試驗性地以PBL方式進行「圖書資訊利用」科目之授課規劃,旨在提供一種新的教學可能模式,期能在大學課程中得以真實應用,以收成效。文中針對傳統教學方式和問題導向學習方式作一比較,以進一步啟發本文讀者對於PBL內涵的瞭解,並輔以「圖書資訊利用」科目為對象提出兩種教學方式之授課大綱和課程進度表,且製作PBL教師任務要點以及數個PBL的課堂實用問題,供作參考,本文最後以此新興教學方式可能遭遇的難處和可以嘗試克服的方向作為結束。


The mission of a university is not only to lie in the instruction knowledge but also to provide the environment in which the students develop the habit of independent learning as well as the lifelong study manner. ”Problem-based learning” (PBL) is a type of learning which is regarded as one can urge the students to utilize own judgment, creativity, critical thinking ability and information-seeking ability to effectively solve the problems existing in the real world. This article explores the nature of PBL and discusses how to apply the PBL mode to the teaching subject of ”The Utilization of Library Resources”. In the article the authors make a comparison in view of the traditional teaching way and the PBL way. A special syllabus is attached and the difficulties of conducting the program are addressed as well. The authors believe that the successful curriculum reform, namely the change from tradition to PBL, can strengthen and improve the students' learning effects in most teaching subjects at the universities, including the course of library instruction.
