  • 期刊


Application Study of the Art of War by Sunzi on Enterprises




Modern enterprises are the lifeblood of the country. It is determined that the economic is if it is good throughout the country, and influence the internationalization and globalization indirectly. It is also bearing the quality of national life in the rise and decline. The countries of all over the world develop enterprise with all strength; strengthen the national power to colonize. Today, the enterprises do not only face the domestic competition, and also fight like a raging fire in the world. The progress of modern enterprise fast promotes development of civilization of world, and makes modern national life improvement by a wide margin. If enterprises should continue flourishing development forever, it must still be led the strategic principle to manage talents by enterprises. For asking ancient civilization to cooperate with modern enterprise develop, this research attempts with the application on study of the Art of War by Sunzi at enterprises, and using sizing up the analysis of making situation to observe internal and external environment. It would be expected to influence the flourishing development of modern enterprises.
