  • 期刊


Development and Implementation of an Integrated Digital Information Management Portal


隨著網際網路的發達,數位資訊成爲獲取知識與提升工作效能的重要來源,如何將多管道來源的數位資訊加以整合,成爲建置數位資訊管理入口網站的重要課題。本研究之目的在於建置一個整合性數位資訊管理入口網站平台,包含知識來源管理、工作進度規劃與控制、視訊會議排程及文件管理等功能,以簡化管理程式、滿足組織成員間的知識分享,達到協同作業的需求。本研究運用物件導向觀念,在系統分析方面,從行爲模式、資訊模式、組織模式三個構面切入,以行爲模式分析系統的運作流程,以資訊模式定義系統的資訊結構,以組織模式描述使用者的角色與權限。在系統建構方面,以ASP爲開發程式語言,並整合四種功能相異之應用系統,而以Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server爲整合性入口網站平台,結合視訊會議、電子郵件、專案管理、工作流程、文件管理、工作指派等主要功能。最後,並實際導入模擬,進行測試與驗証,期能藉由本系統之發展,作爲建置整合性數位資訊管理入口網站雛型系統之參考。


With the development of Internet technology, digital information has become an important source for acquiring knowledge and for promoting work efficiency. Thus, how to build a digital information management portal to accommodate digital information with multi-channel sources is becoming increasingly important. The purpose of this research is to implement an integrated digital information management portal to simplify management procedures, to satisfy knowledge sharing among organizational members, and to achieve required collaborative work. This implemented portal includes knowledge source management, job scheduling and control, video conferencing scheduling, and document management. To develop the systems, this research applies the concepts of object-oriented technology. For system analysis, three models are implemented: the behavior model, information model, and the organizational model. The behavior model is used to analyze the system operational process; the information model is used to define the system information structure; and the organizational model is used to describe the user's roles and authorities. In the aspect of system construction, ASP is used as the development language to integrate four multi-functional application systems. Moreover, the Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server is used as an integrated portal to combine such functions as video conferencing, e-mailing, project management, workflow, document management, and job assignment. Finally, a case study is conducted to test and validate the performance of the constructed system. It is expected that the developed systems of this study can be referred to as a prototype for constructing a digital information management portal.
