  • 期刊


Primary Study of the Arm Swing Influence into the Running Economy


擺臂動作可保持身體平衡且與腳取得協調以提高跑的效率,好的跑步經濟性是影響長跑選手運動表現的決定因素之一,本研究欲探討跑者手臂擺動時,肩、肘關節夾角之週期變化,推測跑者可藉由調整擺臂角度,發揮最大跑步經濟性。本實驗分析四位初接觸路跑之青少年跑者,擷取跑步時右手臂影像資料,輸入Kwon 3D動作分析軟體進行二度空間直接線性轉換(2D-DLT)建立2D模型,蒐集肩、肘、腕及髖關節位置座標,以C++程式語言平滑處理,計算肩肘關節夾角,使用Microsoft Office Excel統計軟體繪圖分析週期及規律性。研究發現受試者肩、肘關節之角度與文獻所指最佳角度不同,受試者間肘關節夾角差距甚大且擺幅偏小,但擺動具規律性且週期固定藉此達到平衡,以運動學而言,肩關節活動角度受限易聳肩或肩膀產生旋轉,手肘曲臂擺動無法以肩關節為軸,身體產生分力而耗能。由於未有參賽經驗,受試者缺乏減少耗能以增加跑步經濟性之概念,透過手臂擺動分析發現姿勢問題,推測調整姿勢後,能獲得較為有利的技巧,建議未來可邀請專業選手,分析與非專業跑者之差異,或探討擺臂角度及力矩對成績的影響,提供訓練時更有效率的方針。


During running, swinging arms enables runners to keep balance and coordinate better with their feet. In doing so, runners’ running efficiency could be improved. This study wants to explore the cycle of the arm angle change, suggesting that runners can by adjusting the angle of the arm, complete race easier. The research was conducted with four young marathon runners. Capture arm swing image while running, use Kwon 3D motion analysis software to two dimensional direct linear transformations (2D-DLT) and establish a 2D model by shoulder, elbow, wrist and waist position of the coordinate. Use C++ program language to analyze the angle of shoulder and elbow, use Microsoft Office Excel statistical software to describe the line graph and determine the cycle regularity. The findings show the runner's horizontal and vertical angle of elbows and shoulders to the body. Even though the findings of the youth are not similar to that of a professional athlete and obviously different to each other, the period goes with regularity. In kinematics perspective, shoulder mobility can cause shrug shoulders or a rotating and arm needs more energy to swing. Due to lack of the experience, these youth didn't know how to save energy to get running economy. Thus, the researcher infers that the optimal stability of arm swinging and gait could be achieved as soon as the running postures are improved. Although the research provides some referral for marathon runners, there is some limitation. More participants are suggested for future studies. In addition, the analysis of the differences between professional and non-professional runners, relationship between swing angle and torque are also helpful to future researches. To sum up, the study on the angle of arm swinging during running process provides runners with a more efficient training guideline.


