  • 期刊


Leisure Industry Consolidation Consumer RFID Application - A Case Study of Tourist Hotels


隨著科技技術應用大幅走入我們的生活,餐旅休閒產業面對客戶服務品質與觀感、人力成本、管理效率及資訊即時準確度等議題,需要透過科技化的手段來達到整體科技服務的實現,從技術、軟體、通訊、管理與異質系統整合等面向進行改造。科技應用的引進效益及成功與否,受到各種主客觀考量因素的影響,相關考量因素如:科技成熟度、顧客接受度、系統可用性、穩定性、擴充性、軟硬體成本、科技服務價值認知、企業負擔、資訊軟體廠商的選用等。如此多的考量議題,形成產業引進科技技術應用的重重障礙。儘管RFID 應用在許多文獻上報告是成功的技術,但面對餐旅休閒服務產業應用在國內仍屬於新興應用階段。如何應用RFID 技術提升飯店管理效率與旅客服務品質是本研究探討重點。本研究透過個案需求與系統分析設計導入過程,歸納分析出服務產業採用RFID 技術,三個採用考量點:1.以資訊管理角度考量。2.以服務科學中創新服務角度考量。3.以提升服務品質角度考量。上述三項考量角度也可以廣泛提供服務產業用於技術評估、引進、導入等過程上,為技術引進應用得到較為周延的思考與規劃,提高成功導入的機會保障企業投資效益。RFID 技術引進改變原有的服務方式,更貼近顧客服務期望,獲得顧客認同,進而提高消費品質與舒適度。


Conveying with the wide and fast application of RFID Innovation Technology into people daily life, the industry of restaurant and entertainment are required to provide outstanding service and quality standard to satisfy customers' varies needs. Even though that RFID technology application has been used widely on both restaurant and entertainment industries. it is not yet professional enough yet compared with other industries. For this reason, this research is aimed to analysis how to apply RFID technology efficiently, in order to enhance the hotel management and customer service quality at the beginning usage in Taiwan. After analysis by case study, inductive analysis and system analysis, there are three factors should be considered in this research: 1. The factor of innovation science service 2. The factor of perspective information management 3. The factor of elevated service quality standard These three factors can also be widely applied to service industry from technology assessment, import, and executive process, in order to secure the benefit of enterprise investment. The introduction of RFID technology is to be better close to the customer's expectation and recognition, thereby improving the quality standard.


Joseph, Barjis., Samuel, Fosso Wamba. (2010).Organizational and business impacts of RFID technology. Business Process Management Journal,16(6), 897-903.DOI:10.1108/14637151011092973 http://www.emeraldinsight.com/toc/bpmj/16/6
