  • 期刊


The "Latent Writing" in Malaysian Chinese Literature - A Case Study of Jin Zhimang




潛在寫作 馬華文學 金枝芒


At the end of the 20^(th) century, the concept of "latent writing" was applied in academia to summarize a special writing phenomenon, which is, some writing was not for publication or unpublishable at that time, and it was published after several years later. The emergence of some "potential writing" in the Malaysian Chinese literature in the recent ten years has allowed us to explore the words and sounds that have been obscured in the public domain. Jin Zhimang's (1912-1988) military literature is one of the categories which worthy of attention. He came to Malaya from China in the 1930s, and turned from a southern writer and editor to a member of the Communist Party of Malaya. Until the 21^(st) century, his "underground writing" works were published publicly. This article takes Jin Zhimang as an example, to investigative the "latent writing" and its status in the literary history. At the same time, it will discuss the contribution of such writing in the discipline of Malaysian Chinese literature.


21 世紀出版社編輯部編:《十年──抗英戰鬥故事輯(一至五輯)》,吉隆坡:21 世紀出版社,2016 年。
21 世紀出版社編輯部編:《緬懷馬新文壇前輩金枝芒》,吉隆坡:21 世紀出版社,2018 年。
中共吳江縣委黨史辦公室編:《吳江革命史料選》,內部出版,1989 年。
方山編撰:《人民文學家金枝芒抗英戰爭小說選》,吉隆坡:21 世紀出版社,2004 年。
