  • 期刊


Walking out of the Myth of Language: On Zhang Zao's Metapoetry and the "Myth of Language" in Contemporary Chinese Poetry




Zhang Zao's theory and practice of metapoetry marks the linguistic turning of contemporary Chinese poetry. However, it is in itself a controversial issue. There is a linguistic egocentrism in the practice of his metapoetry. We can find in the dilemma of Zhang zao's oversea writing that language is not a mere secret about itself, but one that involving the subject's experience and identity, the interplay between ego and others. The manipulation of language might become empty and dried up when one's writing fell into "involution". Zhang Zao is the founder of the myth of language in contemporary Chinese poetry. He, however, demonstrates the defect of this myth. His writing experienced a transition around the turn of the century, which indicates that it is necessary to put the language in the tension between writing and life. Therefore, a new challenge faced by contemporary Chinese poetry is how to walk out of the myth of language and the egocentrism of writing.


Zhang Zao Metapoetry egocentrism ontology "involution"


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