  • 期刊


探討AI文字探勘技術應用於日語文本研究之可能性:開拓創新日語教育之路|An Applicability of Text Mining Techniques using AI in Japanese Text Research: Exploring New Trajectories for Japanese Language Education




目前台灣日本語教育面臨一大轉換期。如何應用AI第三代發展出的技術來因應經濟社會的變化,是主要的課題之一。此課題若之於創新日語教育的内容、方法、技能等各方面,都是為當務之急。鑑此本論文採用第二、三代AI技術最重要之自然言語處理的文字探勘技術,視野不侷限於單字層次,而是跨至句子、文章層次的文本研究。以事例研究方式來進行探究目前人文科學的質化方法與AI自然言語處理的量化研究的可能性,進而推展至第三代AI技術的日本語學以及日本語教育研究之上。歷經考察成果顯示:結合量化研究的文字探勘技術與目前質化研究的人文社會領域,是可視為導入文本解讀的新方法,進而窺得應用於日本語教育的無限可能性。|Taiwanese Japanese language education is at a major turning point. One of the challenges is the response to economic and social changes due to the development of the third AI technology. Taiwanese Japanese language education is under pressure for new responses in the areas of education, methods, and skills. In this paper, therefore, text mining techniques related to natural language processing, which is one of the most important parts of AI technology in the second and third term, are taken up. This paper explored not only the conventional word level, but also a method combining textural and qualitative methods so far with natural language processing by AI for analysis in the text research field at the sentence and text level. This paper attempted to apply the third AI technology to Japanese language studies and Japanese language education as a case study. As a result of the discussion, we were able to introduce a new method for reading texts by combining text mining technology, which is quantitative research, and qualitative methods of humanities and social studies. From there, the potential for application to Japanese language education has become apparent.


NTTPC コミュニケーションズ「用語解説」https://www.nttpc.co.jp/yougo/LDA.html(2019 年 2 月 20 日閲覧)
新井紀子( 2018)『 AI vs.教科書が読めない子どもたち』東洋経済新報社
大島中正 (2016)「語彙(理論・現代)」「特集 2014 年・2015 年における日本語学界の展望」『日本語の研究』12-3
