  • 期刊


嘗試將人工智慧資訊處理技術教育導入日本語言文學系之考察|An Attempt to Introduce Information Processing Technology Education to the Department of Japanese Language and Literature




當前全球冠狀病毒疫情持續蔓延,對經濟社會產生了巨大影響。雖此眾人期盼的產業,人工智慧相關的資訊通信技術也帶來了便利的影響。本論文主要從以下3方面來探討AI技術在台灣日語教育中的應用現狀和挑戰。(1)新設課程中導入資訊處理技術。以T大學為例介紹各種新設課程改革之概況。(2)將應用程式引導入課堂當中。將介紹可應用於課堂上的各種應用程式,以補充或改進教學方法。(3)程式語言之導入。從人文科學的角度出發,將程式教育作為自然語言處理技術教育的一部分,導入人文社會相關學科科學課程。並從中找出問題點以及成果。考察結果顯示,應對人工智慧時代在台灣實施日語教育時,需要面對以下三點。第一是要為多語言環境下的程式語言教育做準備,第二是找出善用人文社會學科的特點,第三是學用無落差的實務能力培育。在活用理工科技術方面的語言處理訊息技術教育的同時,必須考量如何將此應用回歸至現今日本語文學系相關能力的培訓課程當中,以期盼依此考量在新時代中找到一個新的方向。|Currently, the global epidemic of coronaviruses continues to spread and have a great impact on the economy and society, and AI-related information and communication technology also has a great impact as an expected industry. This paper focuses on the current status and challenges of AI technology application to Japanese language education in Taiwan from the following aspects. (1) Introduction of new courses into the curriculum: An overview of the various new curricula that have been created at the university where I work will be presented. (2) Introduction of applications to the classroom: Various applications that can be used in the classroom to supplement or improve teaching methods will be introduced. (3) Introduction of programming education: The course, problems, and results of introducing programming education as part of information processing technology education in the humanities and social sciences from the perspective of the humanities will be introduced. As a result of the discussion, it can be said that three directions are necessary for Japanese language education in Taiwan to respond to the AI age. The first is to prepare for programming education in a multilingual environment, the second is to find a direction to utilize the characteristics of the humanities and social sciences, and the third is to relate it to practical business skills. While making use of information technology education in the sciences and technology, we would like to find a new direction for the new era by determining where to place the various information technologies in the existing training curriculum for Japanese language skills in Japanese-language related departments.


金子邦彦研究室(2022)「Anaconda 3(Python 開発環境)のインストールと, その Python 3 仮想環境に,人工知能フレームワーク類のインストール(Windows 上)」https://www.kkaneko.jp/tools/win/windows_tensorflow.html(2022年2月16日参照)
京都テキスト解析ツールキットプロジェクトhttp://www.phontron.com/kytea/index-ja.html (2022年2月16日閲覧)
