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Research on Firm Growth and Strategy with Uni-President Enterprises Corp.




The Uni-President Enterprises Corp. has developed more than forty years to pursue its growth by applying different styles of strategy as a shadow of Taiwanese economic development making it is worthy of further exploration. This paper develops on five ten-year periods to explore the development process of the Uni-President Enterprises Corp. Due to the possession of dynamic and complex characteristics in the growth process of business, it is difficult via hypothesis to infer cause-and-effect of among variables in deduction. Therefore, this paper adopts the induction method with case study to draw on how to promote growth theory by strategic change and transformation of the five ten-year periods for the Uni-President Enterprises Corp. The results of induction find that Uni-President Enterprises Corp. has integrated the degree of the different strategic management theory, including competitive strategy, resource-based and dynamic competency, blue ocean strategy, and social-politics and environment ideas to reinforce Uni-President's core competency, customer value, and business images, further to reconstruct the strength degree of market position to achieve a sustainable growth objective in Uni-President. Conclusions, discussions, and research suggestions are drawn from this study.


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