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The Application of Some Fantasy Guidelines to the Reading of Picture Books Containing Fantasies



現今,家長普遍接受讓他們的小孩閱讀幻想作品,假如我們可以幫助小孩知道幻想作品內可能含有的元素,小孩更能知道如何閱讀幻想作品。因為童書是小孩比較熟悉的媒材,本研究因此將本文內所討論的幻想作品元素應用在童書之閱讀,而所選擇閱讀的童書,聚焦在用幻想手法寫的童書。本研究目的是希望能說明用幻想手法寫的童書可以是引領兒童進入幻想作品的有用媒材,本研究選出的四本用幻想手法寫的童書分別是Allsburg(1985)的The Polar Express, Allsburg(1981)的Jumanji, Yorinks(1986)的Hey, Al,和Sendak(1963)的Where the Wild Things Are。本研究也列出一些問題,希望能對使用幻想手法寫的童書引領兒童了解幻想作品之有興趣者提供些許幫助,終極目標希望藉由幫助兒童認識幻想作品,兒童能有機會進而思考如何改變他們的生活與環境。


Nowadays, fantasy works are generally accepted by adults for children to read. Children can benefit more from reading fantasy works if they are guided to know some guidelines that are contained in this genre. Since children are more familiar with picture books, this study applies these guidelines into the reading of picture books containing fantasies. The purpose of this study is to use picture books containing fantasies as a springboard to lead children to start their experience of reading fantasy works. The four selected picture books containing fantasies are Allsburg's (1985) The Polar Express Allsburg's (1981) Jumanji, Yorinks's (1986) Hey, Al, and Sendak's (1963) Where the Wild Things Are. This study also lists some questions, which can hopefully help those who are interested in using picture books containing fantasies in the classroom. Children can thus obtain a chance to begin to think about how they can bring about changes to their lives, and thus, the society they dwell in.


Allsburg, C. V.(1981).Jumanji.Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company.
Allsburg, C. V.(1985).The polar express.Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company.
Hunt, P.(Ed.)(1995).Children's literature: An illustrated history.New York:Oxford University Press.
Huck, C. S.,Hepler, S.,Hickman, J.(1993).Children's literature in the elementary school.Orlando, FL:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers.
Lurie, A.(1990).Don't tell the grown-ups: Why kids love the books they do.New York:Avon Books.
