  • 期刊


Innovation Governance in Policy Diffusion: Experience and Lessons in the Case of National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute


政策擴散的討論在文獻上已逾四十年,在不同的政府間政策的制訂與執行也透過學習或仿效之過程,實踐著理論上所建構的政策擴散。在全球化的影響下,我國政府意識到了國外對於文化政策的新思維。近年來除了日漸重視對於「文化創意產業」的發展,政府各部會也陸續成立相關單位及投入大量預算,並於2010年元月通過了歷時七年討論的「文化創意產業發展法」,實現文創業者長久以來的期盼。然而,從實際的政策運作來看,過去的治理模式是否能滿足文化創意產業發展的需求?在競爭的概念之下,政府與民間在政策擴散時如何尋求創新以建立發展的利基?文化產業的主要創新來源為何?又如何落實創新治理?以上這些問題都有待深入討論。 為回答上述研究問題,本文首先回顧政策擴散的相關文獻,並試圖提出「創新治理」的分析架構。本文從我國文化政策發展脈絡下文化創意產業之推動,以台灣工藝研究發展中心為個案,針對政府相關單位之官員及個案中的利害關係人(stakeholders)進行質性訪談研究,藉以充份了解政府在推動文化創意產業上的有效性及不足性。最後,本文亦將深入討論這種創新治理的可能性與改進之處,從中獲得經驗與啟發,以作為政府政策參考之依據。


There have been more than four decades of discussion regarding policy diffusion. In practice, various policies have also been learned or imitated among different governments. An example of this would be the way that the impact of globalization has forced Taiwan governments to consider cultural policies from abroad. During these years, Taiwan government has funded new agencies and created a large budget for cultural and creative industries. Under this development, in this article, we would like to explore the following questions: 1). Will the traditional governance model be sufficient for the stakeholders of cultural and creative industries? 2) In these cultural industries, where does innovation arise from? 3) Which methods to agencies use to manage this innovation? To answer these questions, we first define innovation governance as the idea of diffusion of policy innovation and network governance. An analytical framework suited to dealing with areas of innovation, effective public-private partnership, and the interaction of innovation governance was adopted. The case of cultural creative industry in Taiwan is used in our study as it has successfully changed the idea of cultural policy in the last decade in Taiwan. Not only the government, but also business and non-profit organizations have committed to this developing industry. Qualitative methodology was adopted in this study. Data was collected through a series of six in-depth interviews with representatives of government, enterprises and NPO's. Conclusions and recommendations for further research are made in the final part of this article.


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陸美祈(2013)。縣市合併對都市發展邊緣化之影響研究 —以臺南市曾文溪以北地區為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2013.00183
