  • 期刊


The Construction and Influence of Hsiao-hsüeh in the Song Dynasty




宋代 小學 構建 理學 事理


Neo-Confucianists group with Zhu Xi as the core in Song Dynasty, who had constructed system of Hsiao-hsüeh giving priority to Shi or rite rather than Li by tapping into spiritual resources of SanDai , started the process of universal access to primary education. With zhu xi's change of thinking about relation between Shi and Li, the role of rite in his later years replaced that of Li in his early years. Through the continuous efforts of Zhu Xi's students and increasing importance of neo-Confucianism in the imperial examination, system of Hsiao-hsüeh gained a certain impact after Lizong period when the education of preaching Li was more striking than that of practising rite. The influence of neo-Confucianism became stronger in Yuan Dynasty, especially after 1315 dominating the restarted imperial examination. Cheng Duanli, the representative neo-Confucianist in Yuan Dynasty, who formulated a reading schedule which was regarded as guiding principle of primary education after the 14th century, had reversed the order designed by Zhu Xi, but still gave consideration to ideal and reality. So characters of Chinese primary education,became the elementary characters of east Asian Confucian cultural circle. The construction of Hsiao-hsüeh by Neo-confucianism was similar to Protestant Reformation for universal access to primary education in Europe, but 300 years earlier than the latter.


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