  • 期刊


The Study of Sexual Crime Victim Protection


很少有議題比性或性犯罪更引人注目。然而如何對性攻擊或性侵犯下定義,限於性器官之接觸或是包括口交在內?是否包括褪去被害者或加害人之衣物?是否包含強制性?是否包括某種典型之身體傷害?是否包括某類型的非接觸性言詞騷擾?性攻擊可能採取任何形式,所涉及之犯罪包含強暴、亂倫、熟識者強暴、性騷擾或任何其他不受歡迎之性動作。當我們將重心置於被害者之實質感受,而非強調性侵害之分類,則採取之研究態度將更為嚴肅。 基於上述觀點,當犯罪學與政策分析者聚交於犯罪率等抽象專業術語時,其實與被害結果相去更遠,本文認為只有當社會、政府部門、刑事司法體系運作者開始真實理解被害者之痛苦感受,才能充分瞭解性犯罪之所有原因。根據上述觀點,本文討論關於被害者法律體系,探討如何使被害者免於二次傷害,並且以比較法之角度理解台灣與日本之犯罪被害者保護法。


性犯罪 強暴 亂倫 性攻擊 被害者保護法


Few topics arouse more attention of people than sex and sex crimes. It is important that how to define sexual assault or sexual offense. It is genital-to-genital contact or oral-genital contact? Dose it involve the disrobing of a victim or offender? Dose force have to be involved? Dose some type of physical injury have to be involved? Sexual assault can take many forms. It involves crimes such as rape, incest, acquaintance rape, sexual harassment, or just about any other type of unwelcome sexual advancement. When we start focusing on the real consequence felt by the victims inthe more serious types of assault, our attitude becomes much more somber. It is from this perspective that this paper is witten. while many criminologists and policy analysts in the field are content to talk about the crime rate in terms, this paper is not. It is only when society, agencies, and actors within the criminal justice system begin to truly understand the full etiology of these offenses. Base on the above ideas, this paper deals with the legal system about victim. Then, discussing how to protect victim from second harm and from the view of comparative law perspective to understand Taiwan and Japan's Crime Victim Protection Act.


謝協昌(2005)。論犯罪被害人在刑事訴訟程序之權利保護 -以性犯罪被害人之權利保護為中心〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.00624
劉婷瑟(2015)。我國犯罪被害人保護法保護制度之研究 ─以臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614005011
