  • 期刊


The Jesuit Mission and Service-Learning at Fu Jen Catholic University


耶穌會(Society of Jesus)為在台灣復校工程中主要的三個修會團體其中之一,透過輔仁大學,耶穌會的使命及高等教育的工作得以在台灣落實並有具體的成果。本文以介紹耶穌會在輔仁大學的發展歷史中所扮演的角色,以及實踐教育理念的政策為主軸,使讀者藉此瞭解耶穌會的精神及其使命具體地融入天主教輔仁大學創校的宗旨與目標,實現真善美聖的最高信念,以及培育卓越人才的整合性教育計畫;分享耶穌會的精神及其使命落實的現況。民國91年全校整合時,詹德隆(Gendron Louis)神父就任使命副校長,上任有效統籌三原創辦單位成立「使命特色發展室」。各使命特色發展室最主要的功能是與學校的宗輔中心合作,統整學校的慶典禮儀活動、教職員工生的共融與關懷,學生自治與培育,舉辦教育、宗教以及文化之間對話與交流等活動,一方面籌辦傳揚福音價值的座談以解答人們對天主教的疑問與認識的渴望,一方面在生活中以具體的關懷與服務與人來往,活出基督徒的見證。「使命」就是「傳遞愛」。天主是愛的面貌,愛與服務、關懷他人及弱小、深入參與教學、研究的工作,積極推動福音,每一個環節都涵蓋一項重要的範圍,環節之間緊緊相扣,以營造具有天主教特色,優質的高等教育環境,例如舉辦共融活動、交流與對談、協助慶典禮儀與活動、舉辦天主教的年度節慶等。「服務-學習」(service-learning)便是耶穌會多年來極力推動的使命行動之一,已在輔大推動多年並成為跨國際性的團隊,更是現今「耶穌會使命室」在全校推廣的整合性動態課程。耶穌會的教育是一個包含1.專注經驗;2.反省自身;3.關愛世界;三個關鍵部分的學程,最終的目的是希望學生能瞭解並展現生命的意義,運用卓越的專業與智慧落實社會正義-扶弱濟貧,幫助自己和他人尋求幸福的生活。且在全人教育課程中,將「服務-學習」納入,例如人生哲學、大學入門、專業倫理及其他轉業課程等都將服務-學習的理念納入課程中。未來,我們希望「服務-學習」的推動單位能夠成為全校性的正式機構,成立「輔仁大學『服務-學習』研究發展中心」,有計畫的朝國際化、全人教育、專業教育與社區教育結合,進行對偏遠和弱勢地區中小學的認養,協助其各方面發展,以求落實「服務-學習」為輔仁大學的教學特色;俾使輔仁大學成為亞洲台灣地區或華人世界在「服務-學習」教學法方面具有專業水準的典範指標。


The Society of Jesus, the Society of Divine Word (together with the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit) and the Diocesan Clergy collaborated in the re-establishment of the Fu Jen Catholic University in 1961. Through the work at Fu Jen, the Jesuits are able to carry out its mission via an institution of higher education in Taiwan. This article will introduce the role of the Society of Jesus in the history of Fu Jen, the mission and core values that it upholds, and the measures that are adopted to realize the educational goals. In 2002, the three units of the university are integrated. Fr. Louis Gendron, SJ, the then Vice-President for Mission established Mission Offices, which are responsible for coordinating religious activities and university festivities, organizing activities that enhance the spirit of communion among faculty, staff and students, and establishing a mechanism that promotes inter-religious dialogues for all the members in the Fu Jen community. By doing so, we hope that our faculty and students can live out the spirit of true Christians and that Fu Jen can serve as the instrument of evangelization in a non-Christian country. The Jesuit mission is to continue the love which Jesus Christ passed on to us through teaching, research and service. In the gospels, Jesus admonished his disciples in different occasions the importance to serve others. The Society of Jesus inherits the teaching of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in educating our youngsters, we also emphasize the spirit of service and the value of being a servant. Service-Learning is a practical step for the Society of Jesus to reach its educational philosophy through academic curricula. The education of the Society of Jesus is a learning process that emphasizes experience, reflection, and love. We hope our graduates from Fu Jen can not only lead a fulfilling life with professional knowledge, skills but also possess a good sense of justice and compassion. Over the past 10 years, the Jesuit Mission Office has actively promoted service-learning as a pedagogical approach and has developed it with an international network. Currently, service-learning has expanded itself into a university-wise curriculum. Core courses, such as Philosophy of Life, Introduction to University Life, and Professional Ethics, under Holistic Education incorporate elements of service-learning so that each and every student from Fu Jen will have an opportunity to offer service to the marginalized and disadvantaged social groups before they graduate. As the effectiveness of service-learning has been generally recognized by the faculty and students, we hope that a Center for Service-Learning can be established in the near future. With a specialized team to govern and administer related work and research, service-learning will take root at Fu Jen Catholic University and related programs at our university can develop into the professional indicator in Asia and the Chinese-speaking world.


