  • 期刊


Infrastructure Mediated Hydro-territorialization: The Formation and Transformation of Water Supply Governmentality in Taipei




Based on the urban political ecology, Foucauldian governmentality, and the infrastructure studies, this article explores the emergence and transformations of the water supply governmentality in Taipei. The authors categorize the water supply governmentality and its infrastructural deployment in Taipei into three stages: 1) From the late Qing Dynasty to the early Japanese colonial period, there was the public wells relying on the underground water; 2) From the Japanese colonial period to the 1980s, there was the formation and expansion of the network of running water supply, which then consolidated and extended the urban frontier; 3) After the 1990s, the water supply governmentality enters the stage of risk control and water conservation. Different subjects of water correspond to the development of water supply governmentality. Focuses on the hygiene and purification of water, the appropriateness of water use and compliance with its relevant regulations, and the cultivation of risk awareness in water resources are all different modes of subjectification, which further shapes different meanings of water and the human-water relationships. Finally, the authors use the concept of hydro-territorialization to illustrate the material and symbolic waterscapes (the sacred domain, the nether world, and the human world) mediated by the water supply infrastructure, which embodied the intimate relationship between the city and water supply.


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