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Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Social Network, and Subjective Well-Being




This paper discusses the relationship between socioeconomic status, social network, and subjective well-being. Subjective well-being is represented by happiness and life satisfaction, and they were examined using the ordered probit model. Regarding socioeconomic conditions, personal monthly income does not influence subjective well-being, but self-assessed break-evens do positively influence happiness and life satisfaction. Self-assessed social class also positively affects an individual's sense of well-being. In regards with social networks, participation in sports or recreational activities raises individuals' happiness and life satisfaction. People who interact with a moderate number of other individuals in daily living exhibit the highest subjective well-being; regarding the modes of interaction, whether people interact face-to-face significantly raises their life satisfaction. Accordingly, socioeconomic status and social networks heavily influence subjective well-being. Adequate interpersonal connections in daily living benefit subjective well-being substantially, and self-assessed socioeconomic conditions also influence subjective well-being critically.


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