  • 期刊


Bio-political Power and Cultural Ideology-On the Village Cooperative Medical System of Mainland China


中國大陸農村問題是民生問題中的關鍵,而醫療衛生問題關係是農村問題中的關鍵。在文革時期針對「缺醫少藥」的需要,推廣「合作醫療/赤腳醫生」模式,一般認為使農村的基本醫療得以穩定實施,但實行改革開放後,農民的醫療服務水準卻反而倒退,這樣的反差原因為何?雖然,赤腳醫生制度是否在「真正成功」值得商榷,本文討論此一制度所帶來的政治利益與維繫穩定的可能,用以討論「此一制度與國家發展之關係」。本文以傅柯(Michel Foucault)的生物權力理論,同時以政治管理和意識形態兩種視角,整理了關於赤腳醫生與合作醫療的種種現象與研究,包括赤腳醫生的歷史、赤腳醫生與合作醫療的制度分析,赤腳醫生的特色與其意識形態背景。本文發現,生物政治學途徑能夠關注「權力/身體」的關係,將國家力量與社會福利政策結合討論,擁有特殊「政治/經濟/意識形態」模式,同時相較於其他的研究途徑更能有效解釋中國赤腳醫生行為。


The village problem is the key point of livelihood, and the medial system is the key point of the village problem. Since the Culture Revolution period, Mainland China began to promote a model of health institution –”Collaborative Medial/ Bare-foot Doctor” System. It was generally believed that the system had allowed peasants to access medical care more easily. This paper intends to use the perspective of biology, with the two approaches of political system management and ideology, to explore the phenomenon of ”barefoot doctors” and collaborative medial system, including their history and the analysis of how they worked with the medical system, their characteristics, as well as its ideological base. Bio-politics focus on ”power/body” relations, thus, the most important mission of modern nations is to interlink to public health policy and medical system for ensuring the increasing of production. So that, health institution of ”Politic/Economic/Ideology” becomes the government's demonstration of its care for the social welfare of the disadvantaged.


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中共中央國務院關於進一步加強農村衛生工作的決定。2007 年5 月10 日,取自中共中央國務院:http://www.moh.gov.cn/newshtml/8347.htm。
中國國務院令386 號(2003)。鄉村醫生從業管理條例。2007 年5 月10 日,取自中華人民共和國中央人民政府官方網站:http://www.gov.cn/banshi/2005-08/02/content_19251.htm。
