  • 期刊


The Disorder of "Fake News": From the Perspective of Protagoras




假新聞 民主政治 修辭 智術師


On understanding and thinking about the contemporary democratic disorder and predicament, the controversial issue of fake news, this paper contends that appealing to the ancient Greek sophist, Protagoras, might get contribution to this controversy. Protagoras's famous quotation, "men is the measure of everything," "everything can be argued on both sides, " and "the stronger comes to the weaker, and vice versa," are all relating to the thinking of fake news. The sophists' doctrine of rhetoric is in fact based as the theory of ancient Greek democracy, which is quite different from Plato's philosophical regime. However, the author argues that the rhetorical theory also corresponds to democracy mostly, but also embeds the source of democratic chaos. This paper focuses on Protagoras' idea of rhetoric and the relationship with contemporary analysis of fake news and mentions that rhetorical ideas are also dangerous for stable democratic process. Finally, this paper, on Protagoras's inspiration, argues that people who live in democratic regimes usually apprise their own systems too much and thus, they are always frustrated with the inevitable failure outcome. Therefore, the author contends that the better way to support democratic regimes is to know the limits of democracy and admit both the advantages and dangerous parts. Under this situation, people might regard democracy with moderation and reality. If someone, such as a populist or politician, emphasizes the perfection of democracy, he/she usually becomes the flattery of the majority or to folk society. This leads to horrifying results of democracy and makes people not trust in democracy consequently. Hence, this paper argues that we can have a better democracy by understanding Protagoras' view of democratic rhetoric.


fake news democracy sophists Protagoras rhetoric


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林照真(2018)。〈假新聞情境初探:以阿拉伯世界的資訊逆流為例〉,《傳播研究與實踐》,8, 1: 1-26。
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