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Total Social Organization of Labor in the Sheltered Workshop: Talking about Female Labors with Disabilities in the Southern Taiwan




In a capitalist society, everyone must "work" has become an ideology. When the capitalist society removes the body and mind of the disabled, and the disabled cannot rely on welfare subsidies, the sheltered workshop becomes a heterogeneous working space. Based on the intersectionality viewpoints of disability, gender, and class, this article uses semi-structured interviews and participatory observation research methods to explore the working figures of women with disabilities, main caregivers, teachers and managers. This research found that: first, under the ableism and patriarchal system, women with disabilities face "gender differences in educational resources", "gender allocation in sheltered workshops", "different areas and disabilities in transportation services", and "desexualization of erotic desires". Social conditions have exacerbated the disadvantaged position of women with disabilities in sex, gender and poverty. Secondly, when working in sheltered workshops, women with disabilities face differences in disability/states. In this intersectionality situation, the main caregiver must provide (re)productive labor. In addition, women with disabilities who acquire paid/unpaid work skills in sheltered workshops will also return to the family, demonstrating the agency of reproductive labor. Therefore, the work of sheltered workshops cannot be divided into public/private areas. Women with disabilities and their main caregivers are a concept of Total Social Organization of Labor.


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