  • 學位論文


Applying the Concept of Empowerment to Investigate Female Vietnamese Immigrants' Experience of Participating in the Mainstream Taiwanese Society.

指導教授 : 劉鶴群


本研究以「人在情境中」的思維出發,運用「充權」的概念探究越籍新移民女性志工在參與臺灣主流社會時,她們「充權」與「消權」的經驗。本研究所要回答的問題為:越籍新移民女性志工透過社會參與獲得哪些充權效果?從鉅視的層面來看,促使她們婚後來台、並加入志工的行列,其所隱含的社會權力結構是如何運作?在社會參與的實際經驗中,相較於「充權」的經驗,是否「消權」的經驗是更為普遍的事實? 基於這樣的問題意識,本研究以能探究受訪者個人主觀經驗的質性研究、以及具「充權」精神的批判理論典範來作為研究的分析架構,並將充權觀點區分為兩種層次:「能力」與「權力」觀點。希冀藉此了解越籍新移民女性志工,透過社會參與所獲得個人層面上的「能力」充權,以及以「權力」的角度探究在當今台灣社會權力結構下越籍新移民女性志工,因其性別、種族、階級的特殊位置,而遭受到的壓迫與宰制。透過受訪者對所處情境的描述,突顯在抗拒與宰制之間,越籍新移民女性志工個人行動力的侷限性。本研究主張在鼓勵新移民社會參與獲得「能力」的同時,亦要以「權力」的角度檢視社會參與實質經驗中的「消權」經驗。


Based upon the thinking of “person in situation”, this research aims to utilize the concept of “empowerment” to investigate the female Vietnamese immigrants’experience of participating in mainstream Taiwanese society. The research tries to answer the following questions. Firstly, does (and at what extend does) their participation in the society bring about the experience of empowerment? Secondly, from a macro perspective, how do those related social forces operate to impact on female Vietnamese immigrants’ marriage decisions and their social participation (mostly in the voluntary sector in this research)? And thirdly, whether it is a more prevalent phenomenon that the active participation in the receiving country serves to dis-empower these immigrants? In order to answer above research questions, a qualitative methodology is employed to probe into interviewees’ personal subjective experience and the concept of empowerment is divided into two aspects: ability and power. It aims to investigate the empowerment of personal ability caused by participants’ social participation, as well as the oppressive practices they experienced due to their positions in the society: their sex, race and social class in contemporary Taiwan. It is hoped that through the participants’ representations, this research could reveal the reality restricting their personal actions against the multiple oppressions. This research suggests that the mainstream society needs to recognize the possibility of disempowerment while we invariably encourages immigrants to actively participate into the receiving society.


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