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Images Management and Life Education in Kindergarten's Action Research: A Principal's Practices


環境改變已對幼稚園經營帶來嚴峻的挑戰,少子化趨勢加上父母對教育品質的期待,幼稚園在社區中的形象已成了不可忽視的一部份,遇到壓力和挑戰幼稚園的經營團隊如何面對與處理,是幼稚園是否能永續經營的重要課題。 本研究中研究者是一位私立幼稚園園長,她回顧近七年的持續研究,接著也應用處理幼稚園內大橡樹搬家的一段生命教育與公德心拔河的思維與行為改變歷程,進行行動後的反思。 本研究從園長觀點,在面臨複雜情境脈絡中,更深刻的認識生命的意義,正向有效的重塑幼稚園形象管理等相關議題。 研究資料包括:省思日誌、園務會議、社區鄰里意見紀錄、成功關鍵因素受訪記錄、社區學習課程,共五種資料。 本研究在歷程呈現時有三個策略,整理成可以分享與實踐的知識。策略一、樂在生活,發展信任與承諾;策略二、做少做好,深耕親能與社區;策略三、終生學習,加值服務與領導。 樂觀思想有助於自我效能提升,而重要事件常是最好的考驗與轉捩點,透過省思與社區的參與學習,把工作與生活融合成一種志業,持續研究改善,貢獻所學,讓生命更豐富有意義。


Reflecting on the tendency of children decreasing and parents' worry about quality assurance of education, kindergarten focused her attention on images management and school marketing in local community. It is really a challenge for running a kindergarten now. It is an important issues of kindergarten's management that how the kindergarten attempts to cope with the tension and extremity. The researcher is a principal of kindergarten. She retrospected researches during past seven years. Then she moved a big tree in her kindergarten to a reputable temple successfully. This was a struggle for the tree's life while she kept her mind on public opinions and life education of each one in the community. Reflect on herself during and after her action. The method is an action research. Within the complex community context, the perspective of the principal is leaded by hope theory all through. Now she knows the meanings of life more. She practices the images management effectively. The data resources are reflective diary, kindergarten meeting records, community meeting records, the interviews of professions about success key factors and community record lessons. Three strategies emerged and practiced with sharing knowledge. The first is happy life. Develop trust and commitment. The second is doing less but better. Empower the parenthood and local society. The third is lifelong learning. Add value to service and leadership. Positive thinking enhances self-efficiency. The important thing is always the best turning point. Melting job into life is an enterprise. Keep on going, and dedicate oneself to society. Life will be much more meaning and funny.


