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Career Orientation of Indigenous Students and the effectiveness of career counseling by the Indigenous Students Resource Center-Taking the Far East University as Example


遠東科技大學為了探索本校原住民族學生生涯性向與職場核心競爭力,便從其人格特質著手,分析出輔導方向,並協助其認識適合自己的職務與職場舞臺,以利進行長期的職涯規劃。本文針對經常參加本校原資中心活動的99位原住民族學生之CPAS(Career Personality Aptitude System)測評資料,整理出十二項核心職場性格與五大適性工作摘要。職涯諮詢師根據學生CPAS測驗報告,依個人狀況及特質,分別給予職涯建議,並協助學生透過課外活動或專業學術養成計畫擬定行動方案,促使學生得以適性發展。結果顯示本校不同科系原住民族學生有以下特質:(1)餐管系學生執行力較其他各系佳,流音系學生則有待提升;(2)電機類學生具備較強的統御力,流音系學生則有待提升;(3)電機類學生有較強的親和力,機械系與流音系同學則有較多的改善空間;(4)機械系學生在開創力的表現最為優異,餐管系學生開創力最為弱勢;(5)電機類學生應變力居於其他各系之上,機械系學生則有提升的空間;(6)流音系學生有較高的職場敏感力,電機類學生則可再強化。此外,透過本校原資中心的資源投入,改善經常參加本校原資中心活動的原住民族學生之經濟壓力,以致這些學生能在無後顧之憂下,參加或規劃各項職能提升活動,並成功的獲得職場核心職能的調整與改善。


In order to help indigenous students to solve their career problems, series of the career enhancement activities were performed to enhance the competitiveness of students in Far East University. In this paper, the CPAS assessment data of 99 indigenous students were summarized; furthermore, the 12 key workplace personalities and 5 adaptability work types were also compared with those of general college students and social freshmen over the years. Based on the CPAS report, career counselors give career advice and assist students in formulating action plans through extracurricular activities or academic development plans. Due to the help invested by the indigenous students resource center, the economic pressure for the indigenous students have greatly reduced. And hence these students can participate in or plan various functional enhancement activities. Eventually, the core functions of the workplace can be successfully adjusted and improved.
