  • 期刊


A Study on the Mentoring Function, Self-Efficacy, Intern Anxiety and Career Commitment of the Interns in the Tourism and Leisure Department




This study aims primarily at exploring the influence of mentoring function in the tourism and leisure department on self-efficacy, intern anxiety, and career commitment. A total of 371 valid questionnaires were collected from students who have completed internship in the departments of tourism and leisure. Study hypotheses were provided from literature review and the related theories, and were tested by the collected data. The research results are as follows: 1. Different intern patterns have significant variance on self-efficacy and career resilience. 2. Industry experience before interns and rotation during interns have significant variance on psychosocial functions. 3. Getting industry certificate before interns has significant variance on self-efficacy, intern anxiety, and career resilience. 4. Different intern field has significant variance on career identify and career planning. 5. Career functions effect self-efficacy positively. 6. Psychosocial functions effect self-efficacy positively, but effect intern anxiety negatively. 7. Self-efficacy effects career commitment positively. 8. Intern anxiety effects career commitment negatively. 9. Self-efficacy has mediating effects on career functions and psychosocial functions towards career commitment. 10. Intern anxiety has mediating effects on psychosocial functions towards career commitment. Finally, the study results provide reference of internship systems and operation for schools and internship companies.


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