  • 期刊


The Correlations among the Chronic Disease Perceptions, the Attitudes and Self-care Behaviors in Hakka Middle-aged and Elderly People: A Case of Pingtung


This study investigated the correlation the knowledge in chronic disease, attitude, and self-care behavior among middle-aged adults and elderly of Hakka tribe in southern Taiwan. The cross-sectional study design and the convenience sampling were used to obtain representative samples in Neipu, Zhutian, Wanluan, and Changzhi Townships. There were 405 Hakka middle-aged adults and elderly (mean: 70.63 ± 10.66 years old) involved in this study for the structured questionnaire survey. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 15.0 for Windows. The overall proportion of patients with chronic disease was 66.3%. The predominant chronic disease was hypertension (35.6%). The significant correlates of the knowledge in chronic disease were the age (F=9.05, p< .001), the education degree (F=9.09, p< .001), the religion (t=2.81, p< .05), and the living situation (t=4.21, p< .001). The significant correlates of the attitude toward chronic disease were working condition (t=7.21, p< .001) and chronic disease (t=12.97, p< .001). The Knowledge on chronic disease was positively associated with the attitude for chronic disease (r=.140, P <.05). The Self-care behavior was positively associated with the attitude (r=.139, P <.05). Multiple stepwise regressions reveal that religion was highly related to the self-care behaviors. That could indicated 3.6% of the total variance of self-care behavior. The findings of this study could help health care providers to understand the factors associated with self-care behaviors in chronic disease among middle-aged adults and elderly of Hakka tribe.


客家族群 中老年人 慢性病


This study investigated the correlation the knowledge in chronic disease, attitude, and self-care behavior among middle-aged adults and elderly of Hakka tribe in southern Taiwan. The cross-sectional study design and the convenience sampling were used to obtain representative samples in Neipu, Zhutian, Wanluan, and Changzhi Townships. There were 405 Hakka middle-aged adults and elderly (mean: 70.63 ± 10.66 years old) involved in this study for the structured questionnaire survey. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 15.0 for Windows. The overall proportion of patients with chronic disease was 66.3%. The predominant chronic disease was hypertension (35.6%). The significant correlates of the knowledge in chronic disease were the age (F=9.05, p< .001), the education degree (F=9.09, p< .001), the religion (t=2.81, p< .05), and the living situation (t=4.21, p< .001). The significant correlates of the attitude toward chronic disease were working condition (t=7.21, p< .001) and chronic disease (t=12.97, p< .001). The Knowledge on chronic disease was positively associated with the attitude for chronic disease (r=.140, P <.05). The Self-care behavior was positively associated with the attitude (r=.139, P <.05). Multiple stepwise regressions reveal that religion was highly related to the self-care behaviors. That could indicated 3.6% of the total variance of self-care behavior. The findings of this study could help health care providers to understand the factors associated with self-care behaviors in chronic disease among middle-aged adults and elderly of Hakka tribe.


內政部統計處 (2010)。內政部國際指標。取自 http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/national/list.htm
行政院客家委員會(2011)。99年至100年全國客家人口基礎資料調查研究。取自 http://www.hakka.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=43944&ctNode=2580&mp=4&ps=
行政院衛生署國民健康局 (2003)。2001年「國民健康訪問調查」結果報告。取自http://nhis.nhri.org.tw/files/2001_NHIS_result_Taiwan.pdf
行政院衛生署國民健康局(2007)。慢性病防治。取自 http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw/BHPNet/Web/HealthTopic/Topic.aspx?id=200712250011
