  • 期刊


The Achievement of Technology Management in Soil and Water Conservation Plan in Taipei City




For the advance on digital management, Taipei City Government built an internet platform for the management of soil and water conservation applications and provided an online and paperless service in 2018. With the application of aerial camera, this document management platform successfully and comprehensively promoted the effectiveness of the review of soil and water conservation plan and the supervision of construction. By analyzing the internal and external information collected from 2015 to 2021, the Taipei City Government concluded the increase of efficiency of the technological management including that the review time for soil and water conservation plans was decreased by 60.12%, the number of official documents was decreased by 44.51%, and the case number of construction violation was decreased by 81.82% after the official seal of the online service. Therefore, this document management platform significantly enhanced work efficiency and service quality. In the future, Taipei City Government plans to share this technological management system with other cities to provide efficient services for our citizen.
