  • 期刊


Free Fall Experiments: History Review and Reflection




The experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa is well-known to most people although no evidence proves whether Galileo ever performed it or not. When asked which objects Galileo dropped from the edge of the tower, to my surprise, most students thought the objects to be metal ball and cotton and they even misunderstood that the two objects would hit the ground at the same time. Most students were short of the logical reasoning ability when they heard the story. On the other hand, few physics teachers did understand students’ difficulties. They tend to emphasize Galileo’s rebuttal of Aristotle or the special situation such as the vacuum tube or the moon experiment. Consequently, the only thing students remembered was that these two objects "hit the ground at the same time" and they had no idea about which two objects had been dropped off and whether the two objects had the same weight or not. The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe. Looking back at history, before and after Galileo, there were many free fall experiments and their answers to which object reached the ground first depended on the concept of the demonstrators. History review helps us understand Galileo’s ratiocination and how he builds on the past and prepares for the future. Afterwards, Boyle’s technology of vacuum pumps has changed the face of the free fall experiments, such as Boyle’s vacuum tube of coin and feather, the Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott’s of dropping the hammer and the feather on the moon, and the free-fall bowling and some feathers in NSTA’s vacuum chamber in a BBC film. Based on these history reviews, several pedagogical reflections and implications can be drawn from this study.


free fall Galileo acceleration inflated bladder vacuum
